No Fall, Beach Ball Mac OS

  1. No Fall Beach Ball Mac Os Catalina
  2. No Fall Beach Ball Mac Os Download

No Fall Beach Ball Mac Os Catalina

Well I give up! Usually I can work out most Mac problems and get through some how... sometimes with a bit of forum browsing however, this time I'm beaten and in despair!
My iMac G5 just seems to crash and not like re-booting almost everyday. It takes a boot from my external drive and a Drive Genius repair to restart from the main HD and then it might only be a few minutes before another crash. Then again it could be a few days. I can't put my finger on any particular operation that causes this, but if I had to make a guess I'd say it was if I was aksing the computer to do 3 or 4 things simultaneously - and not heavy processing like rendering - just downloading, emailing, opening some other application etc.
If anyone has any clues it would be much appreiciated. I'm running a 1.8 GHz iMac G5, 2GB ram, 250 GB HD (recently replaced due to previous drive failure), I connect via a Solwise ADSL 1 port ethernet router, a Lacie Mini external firewire drive and Apple Bluetooth Keyboard/Mouse. I'm running Mac OS X 10.4.3, airport express airtunes connection, .mac account on the go. Regular applications running: Mail, Safari, MSN, NetNewsWire, MS Office, BitTorrent, Final Cut Studio, Photoshop, iLife, Toast, Salling Clicker, Drive Genius and Cocktail.
Thanks for reading if you've got this far. All ideas welcome.
  • Application crashes/freezes, which are typified by the appearance of the multi-coloured spinning icon affectionately known as the Spinning Beach Ball Of Death (SBBOD), or an application-specific error message saying it has unexpectedly quit.
  • The beach ball spins and doesn't stop. I restarted the computer several times and it boots up normal except that it's extra slow. When it gets to the regular screen the beach ball starts spinning and I'm unable to do anything. I recently upgraded to OS 10.2.6 and was previously runing OS X. I restarted it holding down apple F.

No Fall Beach Ball Mac Os Download

The Mac has a reputation for reliability and ease of use, but crashes and freezes do in fact happen from time to time either due to performance-related issues or software bugs. It can be a nasty surprise when your Mac temporarily freezes, or worse still crashes completely (thankfully that’s a very rare occurrence), and you.