Playground Unity 2D Mac OS


  1. Playground Unity 2d Mac Os Download
  2. Unity 2d Download

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This blog is all about how to create 2D or 3D game with Unity Editor in MacOS. Alos, this blog helps you setup Unity editor in Mac OS, useful blog for Beginner level of game developer, UnityScript, Boo, C#, JavaScript for Unity

Generally, we all love to play games in all device like mobile, pad, pc, tv etc. but few people are known about its development. Game development can be done with programming skills.

Unity is best technology to develop games for any devices. Generally, there are main 2 types of games which are:

  • 2D Games
  • 3D Games

Now, we are going to setup Unity in mac OS. So, let’s setup unity editor in your mac by following steps.

Download Unity Setup:

Now, go to following website to download unity editor for your mac os. DOWNLOAD here. Which screen looks lie:

For my opinion; Go to Personal and create your account or skip and download .dmg file in your mac os. For that you have to Accept their terms & conditions and click below button:

Playground Unity 2D Mac OS

Playground Unity 2d Mac Os Download

Install Unity Editor:

Now we need to install this downloaded .dmg file. So, double click on it. .dmg file; I stored in Desktop so, it's looks like:

Double click on 'Unity Download Assistant' and follow setup. There is one screen named Unity component selection screen which ask you about install component for Unity. Which is looks like:

I prefer for beginner level just select 2 component:

  • Unity 2018.2.17f1 (whatever display version)
  • Visual Studio for Mac (for coding purpose)

About Visual Studio:

Visual Studio or VS is one type of code editor. VS is very powerful tools for developing unity games. Generally most common language used in unity game development is C#.

Generally Unity game development in 3 different language which are:

  • Unity Script (JavaScript for Unity)
  • C#

Sample display of Unity and Visual Studio:

Now, click on Unity icon or search Unity with (Cmd + Space) and write Unity and open it, which looks like:

Below screen is Visual Studio Editor for write coding part for Unity. You can click on VS icon or search Visual Studio with (Cmd + Space) and write Visual Studio and open it, which looks like:

So, It’s done. Now you can develop any 2D or 3D game with Unity in mac os. Better option is learn unity with C# programming language because of from Unity 2018.2 support for Unity Script is revoke. Check below image or click here.

Unity 2d Download

Contact us; If you have any query regarding Game development / 2D Game / 3D Game / VR Game OR you have your own game idea let us know. We have expert Game team for your help.